
data class UploaderStatus(val factors: Set<UploadFactor>, val inactiveFactors: Set<UploadFactor>, val activeMediaCount: Int, val inQueuePhotoCount: Int, val inQueueVideoCount: Int) : Parcelable

A data model describing the uploader status.


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constructor(factors: Set<UploadFactor>, inactiveFactors: Set<UploadFactor>, activeMediaCount: Int, inQueuePhotoCount: Int, inQueueVideoCount: Int)


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The number of media files that are currently uploading.

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Returns true if there is at least one media file in the upload queue.

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Set of upload factors.

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List of factors why upload is inactive. The uploader is active if the set is empty.

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Returns the total number of media files in the upload queue.

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The number of photos that are in the queue for uploading.

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The number of videos that are in the queue for uploading.

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Returns true if uploader is active.

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Returns true if the upload queue is empty.