Package-level declarations

Media uploader data schemas package.


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data class UploaderConfiguration(val isAutoUploadEnabled: Boolean, val isAutoUploadVideoEnabled: Boolean, val isCellularUploadEnabled: Boolean, val isRoamingUploadEnabled: Boolean, val videoUploadPriority: Float, val minBatteryLevel: Float, val maxRetryCount: Int) : Parcelable

A data model describing the uploader configuration.

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data class UploaderStatus(val factors: Set<UploadFactor>, val inactiveFactors: Set<UploadFactor>, val activeMediaCount: Int, val inQueuePhotoCount: Int, val inQueueVideoCount: Int) : Parcelable

A data model describing the uploader status.

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A data model represented the uploader types.

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A set of factors representing the state of the uploader and the reasons why the upload might be stopped.

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data class UploadResult(val uploadedMediaIds: Set<Long>, val notUploadedMediaIds: Set<Long>, val interruptedUploadFactors: Set<UploadFactor>)

A data model describing the result of loading a limited set of media files.

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During the upload process, the media file may change its upload state. This state can determine whether the file will be re-uploaded by a particular uploader, whether it is uploaded or is in a queue for upload.

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data class UploadStatus(val autoUploaderStatus: UploaderStatus, val forcedUploaderStatus: UploaderStatus, val familyUploaderStatus: UploaderStatus) : Parcelable