
data class UploaderConfiguration(val isAutoUploadEnabled: Boolean, val isAutoUploadVideoEnabled: Boolean, val isCellularUploadEnabled: Boolean, val isRoamingUploadEnabled: Boolean, val videoUploadPriority: Float, val minBatteryLevel: Float, val maxRetryCount: Int) : Parcelable

A data model describing the uploader configuration.


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constructor(isAutoUploadEnabled: Boolean, isAutoUploadVideoEnabled: Boolean, isCellularUploadEnabled: Boolean, isRoamingUploadEnabled: Boolean, videoUploadPriority: Float, minBatteryLevel: Float, maxRetryCount: Int)


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If true - auto-upload enabled. Default - false.

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If true - video will be uploaded with auto uploader. Default - false.

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If true - upload allowed when using cellular network. Default - false.

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If true - upload allowed in roaming (using cellular network). Default - false.

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Number of retries to upload a media file. Default - 3.

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Stop auto-upload when battery level reaches the specified value. If 0.0 - not limited. Default - 0.3.

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Controls how many uploaders dedicated to upload both photos and videos. The greater value, the more uploaders upload media including videos. Default - 0.5.