
Controls how many uploaders dedicated to upload both photos and videos. The greater value, the more uploaders upload media including videos. Default - 0.5.

For example: videoUploadPriority == 0.3f means that 30% of upload workers will process both videos and photos. While 70% of uploaders will upload photos only. These photo-dedicated uploaders will begin upload videos when there are no more photos left in the queue. However, if new photos are added they switch back to photo uploading.

If flag isVideoUploadEnabled is set to false, no all-media uploaders are allocated.

If isVideoUploadEnabled == true and videoUploadPriority == 0.0f, upload manager keeps running one all-media uploader that uploads both photos and videos.

Note. Uploaders never drop their current uploading. Changing the role of an uploader and getting next media file from the queue according to the new role happens only when current uploading is finished.