Download Files
Enqueue FileTo download a file, you need to add it to the download queue:
clfm.downloader.enqueueFile(item, toDestination: path)
After the directory has been reloaded (see chapter Read Directory Content), the corresponding FileItem
s property operation
will contain a reference to the OperationDownload object with the float property progress. This property is used to display the download progress.
To cancel the download, you need to call CloudikeFilesManager.shared.downloader.cancelFile(fileItem)
Monitor Download StatusTo monitor download status you can subscribe on FileManager.shared.downloader.downloadStatus
. The following example shows how to do that:
private fun subscribeOnDownloadStatusUpdates() { clfm.downloader.downloadStatus .flatMap({ event -> Observable<DownloaderEvent> in return Observable.just(event) }) .subscribe({ [weak self] event in self?.progressView.setProgress(Float(event.element?.progress ?? 0), animated: false) self?.countLabel.text = "\(event.element?.filesLeft ?? 0)" }) .disposed(by: disposeBag)