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Working With Files Trash Bin

This guide describes methods for working with files in the trash bin.

Trash bin operations#

This chapter describes methods for receiving, deleting and restoring files from the trash bin.


import CLFiles from '@cloudike/web_files';
let filesApp;
const options = {  logLevel: 'error' // 'trace' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error'};
const config = {  authToken: '', // user auth token optional  baseUrl: '', // api base url required  userAgent: '', // user agent name required  wsConfig: { //    sockjs: '', // sockjs url optional    sockjs_for_shares: "", // sockjs for shares url optional      websocket_event_groups: [      "fs",      "photos",      "family"    ], // websocket event groups optional, there are three groups: fs, photos, family    jwt_token: '', // jwt token optional    share_id: '', // share id optional    auth_by_first_message: true // auth by first message optional  }}
try {  filesApp = CLFiles.init(options, config);} catch (error) {  console.log('error', error);}

Get trash bin content#

The following code example demonstrates how to get items from trash.

const params: IGetFsNodesSchema = {  parent_id: '<parent_id>'};const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };filesApp  .trashBin  .getItems(params, opts)  .then(({ data: IFsNodesSchema }) => {    const {      _embedded: { nodes },    } = data;    return items;  })  .catch((error) => {  });

The following code example demonstrates how to get a paged list of trash bin’s files.

const pageSize: number = 20;const params: IGetFsNodesSchema = {};const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };const paginator = filesApp.trashBin.getTrashItemsPaginator(  pageSize,  params,  opts);const items = [];// get first pagepaginator  .next()  .then(({ data }) => {    if (data !== null) {      items.push(data); // IItemSchema[]      // get second page      return;    }  })  .catch((error) => {  });

The following code example demonstrates how to get a list of all trashed nodes.

const params: IGetFsNodesSchema = {}; // const defaultPageSize: number = 100;const delay: number = 300;const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };filesApp  .trashBin  .getAllNodes(params, defaultPageSize, delay, opts)  .then((nodes: IFsNodeSchema[]) => {    console.log('nodes', nodes); // IFsNodeSchema[]  })  .catch((error) => {  });

The following code example demonstrates how to get a list of all explicitly trashed nodes.

const params: IGetFsNodesSchema = {};const defaultPageSize: number = 100;const delay: number = 300;const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };filesApp  .trashBin  .getAllExplicitlyTrashedNodes(params, defaultPageSize, delay, opts)  .then((nodes: IFsNodeSchema[]) => {    console.log('nodes', nodes);  })  .catch((error) => {  });

Delete trash bin content#

The following code example demonstrates removing selected items from the trash bin.

const nodeIds = ['<item_id>', '<item_id>'];const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };filesApp  .trashBin  .deleteItems(nodeIds, opts)  .then(() => {  })  .catch((error) => {  });

The following code example demonstrates removing selected items from the trash bin with batching api.

const nodeIds = ['<item_id>', '<item_id>'];const pageSize: number = '<number>';const delay: number = '<delay>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };filesApp.trashBin  .batchDeletingItems(nodeIds, pageSize, delay, opts)  .then(() => {  })  .catch((error) => {  });

Restore trash bin content#

The following code example demonstrates restoring selected items from the trash bin.

const nodeIds = ['<item_id>', '<item_id>'];const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };filesApp  .trashBin  .restoreItems(nodeIds, opts)  .then(() => {})  .catch((error) => {});

The following code example demonstrates restoring all items from the trash bin.

const checkStatusDelay: number = 300;const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };filesApp  .trashBin  .fullRestore(checkStatusDelay, opts)  .then(() => {  })  .catch((error) => {  });

Empty trash bin#

The following code example demonstrates removing all items from the trash bin.

const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };filesApp  .trashBin  .emptyTrash(opts)  .then(() => {})  .catch((error) => {});