Working With Public Links
This guide describes methods for working with public links.
Public links operationsThis chapter describes methods for creating and modifying public links as well as managing collaborators.
Initializationimport CLFiles from '@cloudike/web_files';
let filesApp;
const options = { logLevel: 'error' // 'trace' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error'};
const config = { authToken: '', // user auth token optional baseUrl: '', // api base url required userAgent: '', // user agent name required wsConfig: { // sockjs: '', // sockjs url optional sockjs_for_shares: "", // sockjs for shares url optional websocket_event_groups: [ "fs", "photos", "family" ], // websocket event groups optional, there are three groups: fs, photos, family jwt_token: '', // jwt token optional share_id: '', // share id optional auth_by_first_message: true // auth by first message optional }}
try { filesApp = CLFiles.init(options, config);} catch (error) { console.log('error', error);}
SharesThe following code example demonstrates how to obtain the data for
a shared instance of a cloud resource according to the provided shareId
const { publicLinksService, userFSService } = filesApp;const sharedId: string = '<sharedId>';const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };userFSService.getUserId().then((userId) => { publicLinksService .getPublicShare(shareId, userId, accessToken, opts) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IPublicShareSchema }) .catch((error) => { });});
The following code example demonstrates how to create a token to gain access to
a cloud resource that has been shared by the owner, using the given shareId
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const sharedId: string = '<sharedId>';const password: string = '<password>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };publicLinksService .createShareToken(sharedId, password, opts) .then(({ data }) => { const { token } = data; }) .catch((error) => { });
The following code example demonstrates how to retrieve the data shared
by the owner of a cloud resource, using the given shareId
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const sharedId: string = '<sharedId>';const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };publicLinksService .getSharedWithMeShareById(sharedId, accessToken, opts) .then(({ data }) => { const share = data; // IMyShareSchema }) .catch((error) => { });
Shared resource operationsThe following code example demonstrates how to get information about a share using itemData
, which is of the IFsNodeSchema
const { folderOperationsService, publicLinksService } = filesApp;const params: IGetFsNodesSchema = { parent_id: '<parent_id>' };folderOperationsService .getFolderContent(params) .then(({ data }) => { const { _embedded: { nodes }, } = data; const [node] = nodes; // IFsNodeSchema const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.getShare(node, opts); }) .then(({ data: IMyShareSchema }) => { const share = data; }) .catch((error) => { })
The following code example demonstrates how to create a new share using itemData
, which is of IFsNodeSchema
const { folderOperationsService, publicLinksService } = filesApp;const params: IGetFsNodesSchema = { parent_id: '<parent_id>' };folderOperationsService .getFolderContent(params) .then(({ data }) => { const { _embedded: { nodes }, } = data; const [node] = nodes; const params: ICreateMyShareSchema = { access_type: ShareAccessTypes.ALL }; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.createShare(node, params, opts); }) .then(({ data }) => { const share = data; // IMyShareSchema }) .catch((error) => { });
The following code example demonstrates how to update existing share by itemData
, which is of IFsNodeSchema
const { folderOperationsService, publicLinksService } = filesApp;const params: ICreateMyShareSchema = { parent_id: '<parent_id>' };folderOperationsService .getFolderContent(params) .then(({ data }) => { const { _embedded: { nodes }, } = data; const [node] = nodes.filter((item) => item.is_shared); const params: ICreateMyShareSchema = { access_type: ShareAccessTypes.COLLABORATORS }; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.updateShare(node, params, opts); }) .then(({ data }) => { const share = data; // IMyShareSchema }) .catch((error) => { });
The following code example demonstrates how to delete an existing share using itemData
, which is of the IFsNodeSchema
const { folderOperationsService, publicLinksService } = filesApp;const params = { parent_id: '<parent_id>' };folderOperationsService .getFolderContent(params) .then(({ data }) => { const { _embedded: { nodes }, } = data; const [node] = nodes.filter((item) => item.is_shared); const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.deleteShare(node, opts); }) .catch((error) => { });
CollaboratorsThe following code example demonstrates how to get a list of collaborators for a share.
const { folderOperationsService, publicLinksService } = filesApp;const params = { parent_id: '<parent_id>' };folderOperationsService .getFolderContent(params) .then(({ data }) => { const { _embedded: { nodes }, } = data; const [node] = nodes.filter((item) => item.is_shared); const params: IGetEmbeddedSchema = { embedded: true }; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.getCollaborators(node, params, opts); }) .then(({ data }) => { const collaborators = data; // ICollaboratorsSchema }) .catch((error) => { });
The following code example demonstrates how to add a new collaborator to a share.
const { folderOperationsService, publicLinksService } = filesApp;const params: IGetFsNodesSchema = { parent_id: '<parent_id>' };folderOperationsService .getFolderContent(params) .then(({ data }) => { const { _embedded: { nodes }, } = data; const [node] = nodes.filter((item) => item.is_shared); const params = { phone_or_email: '', permission: SharePermissionType.WRITE, }; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.addCollaborator(node, params, opts); }) .then(() => { }) .catch((error) => { });
The following code example demonstrates how to get data of a collaborator.
const { folderOperationsService, publicLinksService } = filesApp;const params: IGetFsNodesSchema = { parent_id: '<parent_id>' };folderOperationsService .getFolderContent(params) .then(({ data }) => { const { _embedded: { nodes }, } = data; const [node] = nodes.filter((item) => item.is_shared); const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.getCollaborator(node, opts); }) .then(({ data }) => { const collaborator = data; // ICollaboratorSchema }) .catch((error) => { });
The following code example demonstrates how to update the data of a collaborator.
const { folderOperationsService, publicLinksService } = filesApp;const params = { parent_id: '<parent_id>' };folderOperationsService .getFolderContent(params) .then(({ data }) => { const { _embedded: { nodes }, } = data; const [node] = nodes.filter((item) => item.is_shared); const params = { permission: SharePermissionType.READ, }; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.updateCollaborator(node, params, opts); }) .then(({ data }) => { const collaborator = data; // ICollaboratorSchema }) .catch((error) => { });
The following code example demonstrates how to delete data of a collaborator.
const { folderOperationsService, publicLinksService } = filesApp;const params: IGetFsNodesSchema = { parent_id: '<parent_id>' };folderOperationsService .getFolderContent(params) .then(({ data }) => { const { _embedded: { nodes }, } = data; const [node] = nodes.filter((item) => item.is_shared); const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.deleteCollaborator(node, opts); }) .then(() => { }) .catch((error) => { });
Shared with meThe following code example demonstrates how to retrieve a list of shared root folders.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const params: IGetSharedWithMeFsRootsSchemas = { embedded: true };const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRoots(params, opts) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); // ISharedWithMeFsRootsSchemas }) .catch((error) => { });
The following code example shows how to use the ShareWithMeRootsPaginator
to obtain a list of shared root folders.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const pageSize: number = 20;const params: IGetSharedWithMeFsRootsSchemas = { embedded: true };const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };const paginator = publicLinksService.getShareWithMeRootsPaginator(pageSize, params, opts);paginator .next() .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); // ISharedWithMeFsRootsSchemas }) .catch((error) => { });
The following code example demonstrates how to obtain the content of the shared folder's root directory.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const params: IGetNotMyFsRootSchema = { embedded: true };const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };const accessToken = '<accessToken>';publicLinksService.getNotMyFsRootDir(shareId, params, accessToken, opts) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); // IFsNodesSchema }) .catch((error) => { });
The following code example demonstrates the process of obtaining information about the root directory of a shared folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const params: IGetNotMyFsRootSchema = { embedded: true };const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };publicLinksService.getNotMyFsRootNode(shareId, params, accessToken, opts) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); // IFsNodesSchema }) .catch((error) => { });
The following code example demonstrates how to retrieve data from the root
folder that is shared with the owner using a share ID
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const params: IGetNotMyFsRootSchema = { embedded: true };const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, params, accessToken, opts) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); // INotMyFileSchema }) .catch((error) => { });
The following code example demonstrates how to delete
data that's shared with the owner of the cloud resource,
given that the share ID
comes with write
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };publicLinksService .deleteSharedWithMe(shareId, accessToken, opts) .then(() => { }) .catch((error) => { });
Not my FS operationsThe following code example demonstrates how to retrieve a list of nodes from a shared root folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { nodes: { href: url }, }, } = data; return url; }) .then((url) => { const params = { embedded: true }; const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>'; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.getNotMyFsNodesByLink( url, params, accessToken, opts ); }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IFsNodesSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to obtain the ShareWithMeRootsPaginator
for a list of nodes from a shared root folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId = '<shareId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { nodes: { href: url }, }, } = data; return url; }) .then((url) => { const params: IGetFsNodesSchema = { embedded: true }; const pageSize: number = 20; const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>'; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.getNodesByLinkPaginator( url, pageSize, params, accessToken, opts ); }) .then((paginator) => { return; }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IFsNodesSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to retrieve a node from a shared root folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { node: { href: urlTmpl }, }, } = data; return urlTmpl; }) .then((urlTmpl) => { const nodeId: string = '<nodeId>'; const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>'; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.getNotMyFsNodeByLink( urlTmpl, nodeId, accessToken, opts ); }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IFsNodeSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to create a node for a shared root folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const token: string = '<accessToken>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }, token) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { nodes: { href: nodesUrl }, ids: { href: idsUrl }, }, } = data; return { nodesUrl, idsUrl }; }) .then(({ nodesUrl, idsUrl }) => { const params = { type: 'dir', name: 'test dir' }; const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>'; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.createNotMyFsNodeByLink( nodesUrl, idsUrl, params, accessToken, opts ); }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IFsNodeSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to rename a node, move it to another parent folder, or move it to the trash bin from a shared root folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const params: IGetNotMyFsRootSchema = { preview: true };const token: string = '<accessToken>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, params, token) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { node: { href: urlTmpl }, }, } = data; return urlTmpl; }) .then((urlTmpl) => { const nodeId = '<nodeId>'; const params: IPatchFsNodeSchema = { name: 'new name' }; const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>'; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.updateNotMyFsNodeByLink( urlTmpl, nodeId, params, accessToken, opts ); }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IFsChangedNodeSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to completely remove a node from a shared root folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const params: IGetNotMyFsRootSchema = {};publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, params) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { node: { href: urlTmpl }, }, } = data; return urlTmpl; }) .then((urlTmpl) => { const nodeId: string = '<nodeId>'; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.removeNotMyFsNodeByLink(urlTmpl, nodeId, opts); }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IFsChangedNodeSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to start copying a directory that is a node of a shared folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const srcNodeId: string = '<srcNodeId>'; //copied dir idconst distNodeId: string = '<distNodeId>'; //distinction dir idlet copyDirTasksUrl: string = '';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { dir_copy_tasks: { href: copyDirTasksUrl }, node: { href: nodeUrlTmpl }, }, } = data; return Promise.all([ publicLinksService.getNotMyFsNodeByLink(nodeUrlTmpl, srcNodeId), copyDirTasksUrl, ]); }) .then(([srcNode, copyDirTasksUrl]) => { const { _links: { self: { href: srcUrl }, }, } = srcNode; const distParams: IDestinationParams = { source: srcUrl, destination: { parent_id: distNodeId }, }; const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>'; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.copySharedWithMeDir( copyDirTasksUrl, distParams, accessToken, opts ); }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IDirCopyTaskSchema });
The following code example demonstrates the copying of a directory to a personal cloud.
const srcNodeId: string = '<srcNodeId>'; //copied dir idconst parentId: string = '<parentId>'; //parent dir id in personal cloudconst shareId: string = '<shareId>';const params = { name: '', unique_name: true,};const checkStatusDelay: number = 500;const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };publicLinksService.folderOperationsService .copySharedWithMeDirToPersonal( srcNodeId, parentId, shareId, params, checkStatusDelay, accessToken, opts ) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IDirCopyTaskSchema });
The following code example demonstrates the copying of a root public directory to a personal cloud.
const parentId: string = '<parentId>'; //parent dir id in personal cloudconst shareId: string = '<shareId>';const params = { name: '', unique_name: true,};const checkStatusDelay: number = 500;const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };publicLinksService.folderOperationsService .copySharedWithMeRootDirToPersonal( parentId, shareId, params, checkStatusDelay, accessToken, opts ) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IDirCopyTaskSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to copy a file, which is a node of a shared folder, by using node links.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const srcNodeId: string = '<srcNodeId>'; //copied file node idconst parentId: string = '<parentId>'; //parent dir idpublicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { nodes: { href: nodesUrl }, node: { href: nodeUrl }, ids: { href: idsUrl }, }, } = data; const links = { nodesUrl, srcNodeUrlTmpl: nodeUrl, idsUrl }; // if you have to rename a file use extParams const extParams = { name: 'newAwesomeName' }; const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>'; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.copySharedWithMeByLinks( srcNodeId, parentId, links, extParams, accessToken, opts ); }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IFsNodeSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to copy a file,
which is a node of a shared folder, using the share ID
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const srcNodeId: string = '<srcNodeId>'; //copied file node idconst parentId: string = '<parentId>'; //parent dir id// if you have to rename a file use extParamsconst extParams = { name: 'newAwesomeName' };const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };publicLinksService .copySharedWithMeByShareId( srcNodeId, parentId, shareId, extParams, accessToken, opts ) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IFsNodeSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to copy a file,
which is a node of a shared folder,
identified by its share ID
, to a personal cloud.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const srcNodeId: string = '<srcNodeId>'; //copied file node idconst parentId: string = '<parentId>'; //parent dir id in personal cloudconst shareId: string = '<shareId>';// if you have to rename a file use extParamsconst extParams = { name: 'newAwesomeName' };const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };publicLinksService .copySharedWithMeByShareIdToPersonal( srcNodeId, parentId, shareId, extParams, accessToken, opts ) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IFsNodeSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to retrieve the status of tasks related to copying a directory, in a shared folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { dir_copy_tasks: { href: copyDirTasksUrl }, }, } = data; return copyDirTasksUrl; }) .then((copyDirTasksUrl) => { const params = { embedded: true }; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.getSharedWithMeCopyDirTasks( copyDirTasksUrl, distParams, opts ); }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IDirCopyTasksSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to obtain the
for a list of copying folder tasks.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { dir_copy_tasks: { href: copyDirTasksUrl }, }, } = data; return copyDirTasksUrl; }) .then((copyDirTasksUrl) => { const params: IGetDirCopyTasksSchema = { embedded: true }; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.getSharedWithMeCopyDirTasksPaginator( copyDirTasksUrl, pageSize, params, opts ); }) .then((paginator) => { return; }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IDirCopyTasksSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to retrieve the object data of a files node.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { file_objects: { href: fileObjectsUrl }, }, } = data; return fileObjectsUrl; }) .then((fileObjectsUrl) => { const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.getSharedWithMeFileObjects( fileObjectsUrl ); }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IFileObjectSchema });
The following code example demonstrates how to create an object from the data of a file node.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { file_objects: { href: fileObjectsUrl }, }, } = data; return fileObjectsUrl; }) .then((fileObjectsUrl) => { const params: ICreateFsFileObject = {}; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.createSharedWithMeFileObject( fileObjectsUrl, params, opts ); }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IFileObjectSchema });
DownloadThe following code example demonstrates how to get the download link for a file.
const nodeId: string = '<nodeId>';const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };filesApp.publicLinksService .getDownloadLink(shareId, nodeId, accessToken, opts) .then((link) => { console.log('link', link); link to the file });
The following code example demonstrates how to get the download link for the file from its content URL.
const contentUrl: string = '<contentUrl>';const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' };filesApp.publicLinksService .getDownloadLinkByContentUrl(contentUrl, opts) .then((link) => { console.log('link', link); // link to the file });
The following code example demonstrates how to create a zip stream and get a link to download the zip archive.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { nodes_downloads: { href: nodesDownloadsUrl }, }, } = data; return nodesDownloadsUrl; }) .then((nodesDownloadsUrl) => { const nodesIds: string[] = ['nodeId1', 'nodeId1']; const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>'; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.createSharedWithMeNodesZipStream( nodesDownloadsUrl, nodesIds, accessToken, opts ); }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IDownloadSchema const { _links: { zip_stream: { href: downloadZipUrl }, }, } = data; // to start downloading window.location.assign(downloadZipUrl); });
VersionsThe following code example demonstrates how to retrieve data for a specific version of a file node that is located within a shared folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const nodeId: string = '<nodeId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { file_versions: { href: fileVersionsUrlTmpl }, }, } = data; return fileVersionsUrlTmpl; }) .then((fileVersionsUrlTmpl) => { const params = { embedded: true }; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.getSharedWithMeFileVersionsByLink( fileVersionUrlTmpl, nodeId, params, opts ); }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _embedded: { versions }, } = data; console.log('versions', versions); });
The following code example demonstrates how to obtain the paginator for a list of copying folder tasks.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const nodeId: string = '<nodeId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { file_versions: { href: fileVersionsUrlTmpl }, }, } = data; return fileVersionsUrlTmpl; }) .then((fileVersionsUrlTmpl) => { const pageSize: number = 20; const params: IGetVersionsSchema = { embedded: true }; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.getSharedWithMeFileVersionsByLinkPaginator( fileVersionsUrlTmpl, pageSize, params, opts ); }) .then((paginator) => { return; }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IVersionsSchema });
The code snippet exemplified below demonstrates the method to acquire data for a specific version of a file node, which is found within a shared folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { file_version: { href: fileVersionUrlTmpl }, }, } = data; return fileVersionUrlTmpl; }) .then((fileVersionUrlTmpl) => { const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; const nodeId: string = '<nodeId>'; const versionId: string = '<versionId>'; return publicLinksService.getSharedWithMeFileVersionByLink( fileVersionUrlTmpl, nodeId, versionId, opts ); }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('data', data); //IVersionSchema });
The following code example demonstrates the procedure of deleting data for a specific version of a file node, which is located within a shared folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { file_version: { href: fileVersionUrlTmpl }, }, } = data; return fileVersionUrlTmpl; }) .then((fileVersionUrlTmpl) => { const nodeId: string = '<nodeId>'; const versionId: string = '<versionId>'; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.deleteSharedWithMeNodeVersionByLink( fileVersionUrlTmpl, nodeId, versionId, opts ); }) .then(() => { // version was successfully deleted });
The following code example demonstrates uploading a new version of a file node to the shared folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';publicLinksService.getShareWithMeRootById(shareId) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { ids: { href: idsUrl } }, } = data; return idsUrl; }) .then((idsUrl) => { const file: IFileObject = '<fileObject>'; const distNodeId: string = '<distNodeId>'; // id of distinction node const params = { node_id: distNodeId }; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; return publicLinksService.uploadNewFileVersion(shareId, idsUrl, file, params, opts); }) .then((uploadedFiles: IFsNodeSchema[]) => { console.log('uploadedFiles', uploadedFiles); });
UploadThe following code example demonstrates uploading file to the shared folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId) .then(({ data }) => { const { _links: { ids: { href: idsUrl }, }, } = data; return idsUrl; }) .then((idsUrl) => { const accessToken = '<accessToken>'; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; const file: IFileObject = '<fileObject>'; const params: IUploaderProxyParams = { parent_id: '' }; return publicLinksService.uploadFileItem( shareId, idsUrl, file, params, accessToken, opts ); }) .then((uploadedFiles: IFsNodeSchema[]) => { console.log('uploadedFiles', uploadedFiles); });
The following code example demonstrates uploading files to the shared folder.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const fileList: IFileObject[] = [fileObject1, fileObject2];publicLinksService.getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { ids: { href: idsUrl } } = data; return idsUrl; }) .then((idsUrl) => { const params: IUploaderProxyParams = { parent_id: '' }; const opts: CustomRequestConfig = { signal: '<AbortSignal>' }; const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>'; return publicLinksService.uploadFileItems(shareId, idsUrl, fileList, params, accessToken, opts); }) .then((uploadedFiles: IFsNodeSchema[]) => { console.log('uploadedFiles', uploadedFiles); });
The following code example demonstrates operations with a list of uploaded files.
const { publicLinksService } = filesApp;const shareId: string = '<shareId>';const fileList: IFileObject[] = ['fileObject1', 'fileObject2'];const params: IUploaderProxyParams = { parent_id: '' };publicLinksService .getShareWithMeRootById(shareId, { preview: true }) .then(({ data }) => { const { ids: { href: idsUrl }, } = data; return idsUrl; }) .then(async (idsUrl) => { const accessToken: string = '<accessToken>'; const uploaderList = await publicLinksService.addToUploadList( shareId, idsUrl, files, params, accessToken ); // to get list updates you need to subscribe to 'update' event uploaderList.on('update', async ({ list, state }) => { // get list of files items = list; // Array<File | UploaderBase> // state of file list listState = state; // IUploaderListState if (!!items && items.length > 0) { // to remove item from item list const item = items[0]; await uploaderList.remove(item); // to restart uploading of any item which haven't been uploaded successfully. await uploaderList.restart(item); // to resume uploading of photos await uploaderList.resume(); // to stop uploading photos uploaderList.cancel(); // to clear file list uploaderList.clear(); } }); // to catch list updates error you need to subscribe to 'error' event uploaderList.on('error', (error) => { const uploaderListError = error; // UploaderListError }); });